Men’s Health Month

Eating a healthy diet gives your body the energy and
nutrients to fight disease and keep you feeling younger.
Men, like all people, should have a diet focused on:

1. Fruits and vegetables: at least 2 cups a day
2. Whole grains: make half of your grain choices
whole grain choices such as oatmeal, brown rice or
whole grain bread, cereal and pasta
3. Fiber: at least 38 grams of fiber per day for
younger men; 30 grams of fiber per day for men older
than 50. Whole grains, barley, beans, lentils, fruits
and vegetables are high in fiber, help manage hunger
and fullness, and help fend off certain cancers, such as
prostate and colon
4. Fats: focus on unsaturated, heart-healthy fats such
as olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds, avocados and oil-
based salad dressings in place of saturated fats such as
full-fat dairy foods, high-fat meats or sweets, fried foods,
and butter
5. Protein: lean meats, seafood, and plant sources,
like beans, peas and soy products

Energy Needs
Since men have more muscle and typically are bigger than women, they require
more calories throughout the day. Moderately active males likely need 2,200 to
2,800 calories per day. Your energy needs depend on your height, weight and
activity level.
Visit for customized energy needs and meal planning.
Health Risk
Many of the typical health risks for men are related to behaviors that are more
prevalent in men, such as smoking and drinking, unhealthy or risky choices, and
putting off regular doctor visits or medical care. There are also health
conditions that only affect men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone.
Many of the major health risks that men face – like colon cancer or heart
disease – can be prevented and treated with early diagnosis. Screening tests
can find diseases early, when they are easier to treat. It’s important to get the
screening tests you need.
According the CDC, the top 10 causes of death for men in 2017, was
1. Heart Disease (24.2%)
2. Cancer (21.9%)
3. Unintentional Injuries (7.6%)
4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (5.2%)
5. Stroke (4.3%)
6. Diabetes (3.2%)
7. Alzheimer’s Disease (2.6%)
8. Suicide (2.6%)
9. Influenza and Pneumonia (1.8%)
10. Chronic Liver Disease (1.8%)