Healthy Resolutions

Here are some tips on resolutions to avoid and how to set yourself up for success:
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Avoid: Making the general statement, “I want to eat healthier”, but not
knowing what that means or how that looks. For success: Review your
eating habits, or talk to a Registered Dietitian or your doctor to make a
plan. Start slow with one or two habits you can change to move toward a
healthier way of eating that will stay for the long term. Examples: Limit
soda to one can a day (if you typically have multiple), try adding a fruit or
vegetable to each meal, or set a goal to eat three whole grain foods a

Avoid: Having a vague exercise goal. For success: Make a choice of
where you can start on a path of daily exercise and work toward a long-
term goal. If you currently do not exercise regularly, start slow. Make
your first goal to exercise 2-3 times a week and the work up to 5-7 times
a week. Start with a small workout first and then add on minutes. Make
sure to find something that is fun, and choose a variety of exercises. Go
for walks (with a friend or your dog), join a gym, try a free fitness app on
your phone, or take up a new sport like golf or swimming. The goal is to
get moving and the more you start to feel better, the more you will want
to keep going!

Avoid: Making too many resolutions that you won’t be able to keep. For
success: Remember that health is a year-round, long-term journey. Start
with small obtainable goals or habits to change and as those become a
normal part of life, then you can add more goals.
Remember, if you encounter a setback, don’t stop working toward your goal.
Make a fresh start the next day and keep reaching for your goals!

Packed Lunches

Skipping lunch can lead to a lack of energy, loss of concentration and a lower job performance. Eating out every day can be expensive and difficult to find healthier options. Packing your own lunch is the best opportunity to keep your diet on track and keep you sharp and focused throughout the day.

When making a healthy lunch it is important to include multiple food groups, such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Your best beverage option is water to stay hydrated. To make it more exciting try adding fruit or mint to your water. Try to stay away from prepackaged foods because they tend to be higher in fat, salt and sugar. Instead make more food during dinner to insure you have enough to make leftovers the next day and to help control your portion sizes.

Packing healthy lunches is just as important for your children, try these helpful tips to give your kids the healthiest lunches to help them thrive in school.
• Cut up food into dipping sticks and try new dips such as hummus, guacamole, ranch or yogurt
• If you do not have much time, try canned fruits or cups that are in 100% fruit juice or water
• Skip processed snacks
• Get your kids involved to get them more excited about their food. Take them grocery shopping or have them help pack their lunches and find new recipes
• Use cookie cutters to cut fruits, vegetables or sandwiches into fun shapes

Peanut Butter and Banana Sushi


  • 3 tablespoons peanut butter Substitute soy or sunflower butter if needed)
  • 1 whole grain flatbread or whole wheat tortilla
  • 1 med banana


  • Spread peanut butter down middle of flatbread/tortilla and reserve 1 teaspoon for later
  • Place banana on peanut butter and roll up the flatbread/tortilla
  • Spread remaining peanut butter on outer edge of flatbread to seal the roll
  • Slice roll into sushi sized pieces